Saturday, January 9, 2016

Is it just me....

Is it just me or is it actually happening but the more I look at Benjamin the less I see his ridge (or as I fondly call it unicorn)... I don't know. Today, I woke up and it seemed so tiny.  I mean it is there but just doesn't seem as big. Maybe that's a good sign and it means he won't need surgery at all!!! Maybe I'm getting used to it. I don't really know but this Thursday seriously can't come soon enough!!!

So now, of course enters my good friend google and I'm finding that if Benjamin's proves to be mild they might do nothing and wait until he's one to see if it goes away. Or it could be something as simple as a Metopic Ridge and would become less noticeable as an adult. In fact in my learning travels, I discovered Heath Ledger (actor) had a Metopic Ridge. I went back and googled pictures and sure enough he has one!!

So confused now...

Sure enough, Heath Ledger has a Metopic Ridge!

And so does Hugh Jackman... so things maybe looking up!

Hugh Jackman - Wonder if this is why he's always furrowing his brow?! To hide it?

1 comment:

  1. my 4month old baby girl had a bit of a pointed forehead. but her eyes were not close at each other.
    reading your post gave me a bit of "not to worry about it". Thank you. :)
