Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mid-Treatment Scan!! AWESOME News!

Okay, so first things first, I MUST apologize. I've received a few emails from people who found my blog either via Facebook or just a good ole fashion google search. I have not done a good job of updating it after every appointment and while we have consistently received good news, there really just wasn't much to report... until today!

I am so so so excited that today at the "Mid-Treatment Scan," Benjamin's head has adjusted a grand total of 9mm in all direction! His helmet is getting tighter but still very effective. So what does this all mean?! Well when I got the copy of the scan and side by side, I said outloud "boy it almost looks normal" and our orthotist said "NO, it IS normal!" SERIOUSLY the happiest words ever spoken to a crania parent!

Essentially (and it is a combined decision between the Neurosurgeon, Dr. Proctor, the Orthotist, Brian Heckathorn, and me and my husband) he will not need a second helmet! Once he outgrows this helmet we are done!!!

Just see for yourself the changes:

Its pretty incredible. His very first scan was on January 28th, just three days after the endoscopic surgery and this mid-treatment scan was today, April 21st (that's less than 3 months of helmet therapy).

So what happens next... well we're not to sure! We have an appointment with the neurosurgeon on July 1st but the orthotist told us not to be surprised if his office calls us after he receives the email for an earlier appointment. We go back to double check size and fit on May 12th with the orthotist, just a week prior to our trip to Florida.

But now, we wait to hear from Dr. Proctor with fingers crossed he agrees.

So to put things in perspective here are some photos I took along the way... keep in mind I took very little at birth because I didn't think anything was wrong...

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