Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sleeping with his eyes wide open?!

So just a random post. I have been taking half days at work this week because I'm worried about going back full time and not being around for Benjamin as he adjusts to his helmet schedule. Today however when I finally had a chance to just sit (both he and his big brother were napping), I observed Benjamin sleeping with his eyes wide open. This wasn't just for a few seconds or a couple of minutes either. It lasted about ten whole minutes. I quickly took a video just in case it's something. In addition to this he also does a weird lip quiver when he's awake (and it's not related to crying or being upset) and his eyes when awake do a very rapid back and forth flutter. Unfortunately, I am unable to film both of those because it's hard to see on a cell phone camera. So I posted it on the Facebook support group I'm a member of to see is it Benjamin or Cranio/Surgery related and all but one said their babies don't do this. So tomorrow after the orthotist I think I will call the Neurosurgeon just to be on the safe side... I hope I'm just being a paranoid mom!!

Sound asleep with his eyes wide open!


  1. Hi, I stumbled across your blog because, well, my one month old has his first appointment with a surgeon on Thursday. He was born with a firm ridge as well and was referred by our pediatrician this past Wednesday. Looking at the pictures of Benjamin they are uncanny to my son, Wesley, at birth. I want to thank you for this blog. I have literally been a nonstop mess and this has really helped me. I pray that Benjamin has continued to progress into a happy healthy little guy! Please if you have decided to stop the blog would you mind emailing me an update? My email is samantha.leamon@gmail.Com

    I hope that isn't creepy to you, I'm just kind of a wreck.

    1. Hi Samantha! Thanks for your comment, it means a lot that it may provide some help to those at the start of their Cranio adventures. I just posted a new update with lots of photos. Helmet therapy is almost done and we have the prognosis of a "normal shaped head"! I hope things go well for little Wesley and feel free to email me any time!
