Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We survived!

So the first night was very uneventful. Benjamin would wake at 4 hours on the dot for his tylenol. He nursed great and fell asleep in his bassinet. I was so surprised at how strong he is and how happy/smiley he's been acting. 

This morning, he's had mini moments of fussiness after officially waking at 9 AM but for the most part he is a otherwise happy baby. It amazes me because he really was so truly miserable the first three months of his life and one very eventful day later he's smiling like crazy!

Tomorrow we go for to meet his Orthotist for head imaging and helmet molding.

An orthotist is the primary medical clinician responsible for the prescription, manufacture and management of orthoses. An orthosis may be used to: Control, guide, limit and/or immobilize an extremity, joint or body segment for a particular reason. To restrict movement in a given direction. 

Then the TRUE mommy test begins.

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