Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hat of Tears - AKA Baby Helmet

Well, yesterday was an eventful day. We went to our appointment to meet with the orthotist for Benjamin to receive his newest accessory and our training on how to put it on and off (there is more to it than you'd think).

A very angry Benjamin with his new helmet!

A lot of the time at Hanger Clinic was the three of us (myself, husband, and Benjamin) just waiting around. They received the helmet and would come in every ten minutes or so to take a few measurements here and there. Finally they brought the heavy plastic thing out. We learned a how to place it on Benjamin's head and how to take it off, signs to look for if we did it incorrectly. We learned how to clean it, where he can and can't wear it and his first two week schedule. It all happened very quick.

First pacifier which seemed to soothe him on our way home...

The helmet is clear plastic with holes drilled in the top for air circulation and to minimize heat rash (and getting smelly). All the areas of pressure have heavy padding on it (sides near his eyes and forehead on the metopic sutra). The helmet itself weights 1.5 pounds all together. That's a ton considering Benjamin is only 13 pounds. We were given the okay to paint and sticker it as much as we want and the orthotist Brian was very familiar with "Bling Your Band", the company we ordered the stickers from.

Once a sleep he's wonderful in it, but getting there is the challenge.

For the first two weeks, Benjamin is on a schedule. The purpose of this on and off is two fold. One, to teach US how to put it on and off properly and to watch for irritation points and two for Benjamin to get used to having it on. The orthotist said he will be extremely upset this week as he adjusts but like anything else that's new and scary he'll navigate through it better than we can as adults. Many babies find this as their own soothers versus a blanket, stuffed animal, or pacifier.

The red is just because of babies naturally sensitive skin. After day one this has stopped happening already.
You can see though where the pressure is to help mold his skull and brain.

For day one (yesterday), Benjamin had to wear it for one hour on and three hours off. Today he is wearing it for two hours on and two hours off. Tomorrow will be three hours on and one hour off. The goal is to work up to 23 hours total every day. One hour break to clean the helmet with baby soap and unscented baby powder and to allow Benjamin to do tummy time. For this week though, if Benjamin is asleep during his time in the helmet, we're not to wake him to put it on and vice versa if he's asleep we're not to wake him to take it off. The goal is to keep him happy while making him adapt.

All in all, it's been painful to listen to him cry but he is adjusting rapidly. I am relieved that we are only looking at 3 to 4 months though! He is already so much stronger than I am!

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