Sunday, February 7, 2016

Thirteen Days Post-Op and Six Days of Helmet Therapy

So we are just thirteen days past his surgery and six days into helmet therapy! Benjamin amazes me more and more each day. The helmet is very clearly awkward and heavy. He had very strong neck control prior and was rolling over but now naturally with an extra two pounds he finds it difficult. I also noticed when it's off he looks around nonstop. It actually makes it very difficult to nurse him as he is just busy moving his head in every direction. He also had a schedule but yesterday and today it kind of went out the window when he fell asleep in it. I just let him gone until he fussed about twelve hours total! He is to work up to 23 hours per day with only one hour off. I am really looking forward to meeting with Brian his Orthotist to see what he thinks of the development already and an anticipated timeframe. We were supposed to have his appointment tomorrow but with the big blizzard coming it's been moved to Wednesday. Ceste le vie!

The difference in just a short time just astounds me! (photos taken yesterday) The photos on the left side are pre-op and the photos on the right are after surgery and helmet therapy.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you’re child get his surgery done?
    Can u plz email me at:
