Monday, February 1, 2016

Insurance - on the edge of my seat!

Well, I've had a bit of a scare. In my support group several (and I mean more than fifteen) members have talked about how their child's surgeries were done and paid for by their insurance but then the insurance would not cover the cost of the child's helmet therapy!

 So on Saturday I received a letter in the mail from Blue Cross/Blue Shield and of course without reading it my heart sank. I dreaded what it would say. Fortunately, it explained that at the request of our neurosureon, Dr. Proctor they put in a request to make sure the entire surgery would be covered prior to the operation. This was something I foolishly never even considered checking but per the letter from BC/BS, I had nothing to worry about.

When I went to Hanger Clinic to meet Benjamin's new orthotist I stressed that I wanted to be sure our insurance would pay for treatment and the helmet. I understood that from the insurance perspective they felt this part was purely cosmetic. I was assured by both the neurosurgeon and orthotist that this is very much not and extremely needed. In the event he was denied by the insurance they would write letters on Benjamin's behalf to make sure it would be covered. A few hours after we got home on Thursday from Hanger Clinic, Brian called to say that he confirmed with BC/BS that we would be covered for the treatment and helmet. This was a relief... though I am still slightly nervous. Many in the group said that while theirs was covered it was only the first helmet and not the subsequent helmets. So now I wait but I'm prepared to fight. My husband and I decided that regardless of the expense we would do what we needed to give Benjamin the best in life and keep him healthy. So now we wait...

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